"Imagine Who You Will Be in Just 56 Days!"
Imagine if you could change the way you look, think and feel in just 56 days!
What would your body look and feel like at is best? How would your life look with clear goals and a strong
positive mind set? How would that affect every area of your life?
I want to offer you a challenge, not only to improve your body but your mind as well. Introducing
“Shift In 56” a challenge designed to help SHIFT you into a new phase of your life and help you become
the best version of yourself.
Watch this short video and join us!

Join ShiftIn56 today and Get Access to:
Weekly Coaching Videos
Online and In-Store Guidance
Body Assessment Technology
Unique ShiftIn56 Discounts

Dear Friend,
You may have been directed to this website by a friend, a trainer or even an ad. That’s not important, what is important is that you’re here and you’re about to embark on 56 days of life changing significance.
The Shift In 56 Day Challenge was designed to help you shift your body, your thoughts, and your beliefs about what you’re capable of.
It’s about digging in and finding that person that you may have let go of 2, 5, 10 or even 20 years ago. Guess what, he/she is still there and they’re ready to be awakened.
I promise you that if you commit yourself, do the work and truly believe then you will Shift in every area of your life over the next 56 days. Please know that my team and I are committed to helping you in every aspect of your journey over the 56-day challenge.
Feel free to email, call or visit one of our Pureline locations so we can guide, encourage, and motivate you through the process.
In Strength and Health,

Change Your Life In 56 Days
Step 1: Pay Registration Fee
In Person at your local Pureline Nutrition Store or Online - Click Here
Step 2: Receive the Shift in 56 Bracelet
Online competitors will be shipped a custom
"ShiftIn56" bracelet to wear in your before and after photos. In person competitors will receive their bracelet at their local Pureline Store.
Step 3: Complete Your Registration
Click Here to complete your registration and upload your photos, Inbody and essay and/or video.

Male Overall Winner
- $1,000 Cash Prize
- Reimbursement of any Pureline Supplements purchased during the challenge
- Reimbursement cost of entry fee if paid for.

Female Overall Winner
- $1,000 Cash Prize
- Reimbursement of any Pureline Supplements purchased during the challenge
- Reimbursement cost of entry fee if paid for.

Most Inspirational Winner
- $500 Cash Prize
- Reimbursement of any Pureline Supplements purchased during the challenge
- Reimbursement cost of entry fee if paid for.

Trainer Category
- $500 Cash Prize
- Personal Trainers/Coaches are eligible for a 500 cash-prize if one of their clients wins any category of the ShiftIn56 Challenge.

How It Works
The Shift in 56 Weight Loss and Self Improvement Challenge is a Pureline event designed as a catalyst to ignite the fire necessary for you to lose weight, burn fat and create a healthier and better version of you! During the challenge you can use the team of experts at your local Pureline Nutrition to help guide and coach you to your absolute physical best. You can also take advantage of our online support through Facebook/Instagram, Facebook/IG Lives and Email at: [email protected].
Whether you’re in it to win the money or just want to hold yourself accountable, the Shift in 56 Challenge has something for everyone. By signing up you will gain access to our team of knowledgeable specialists, weekly coaching videos, Facebook/IG Lives, Emails and if you’re near a pureline location, free access to our Fit Manager and Inbody assessment technology. Not to mention great discounts on cutting edge supplements designed to help you lose weight and change your body fast.
Included in your registration fee is a free initial consultation with a dedicated Pureline specialist to discuss your goal(s) for the challenge, free Inbody/Fit Manager scans, and exclusive discounts only available to Shift in 56 Challenge participants! If participating online then you will have access to our Facebook/IG Lives along with immediate access to our fitness specialists via Email and Messenger to answer any questions about your weight loss/self improvement journey.
The Challenge kicks-off February 26th and finishes April 22nd. February 26th marks day 1 of the Challenge, but you are able to register and weigh-in up until March 11th. Regardless of whether you register after February 26th, the challenge finishes on April 22nd.
No, this contest is for our friends and clients only.
Just 30.00, but winners will get their entry fee back. Also, your entry is FREE with the purchase of any 4 or 8 week Pureline weight loss or lean out package or any Pureline purchase over $150.00.
1.Add Shift in 56 Entry to your cart when you are making you $150+ purchase and use code: FreeEntry at checkout
2.Email [email protected] to get your free entry.
3. Enter your Order Number on the Shift In 56 Registration/Uploads page.
You bet! All participants get 10% off all Pureline products during their 56 day challenge. Also, winners will get a full reimbursement for all supplements and products used during their 56 day challenge.
If you have questions regarding the challenge (either before, during or after) feel free to ask any one of our knowledgeable Pureline specialists at your nearest Pureline location, or contact us at [email protected].
You can register and weigh-in at your local Pureline Nutrition Store or Online at thepureline.com. The Challenge kicks-off February 26th and finishes April 22nd. February 26th marks day 1 of the Challenge, but you are able to register and weigh-in up until March 11th (this is the last day to register and weigh-in.) Final weigh-out must be completed by April 22nd.
Weight loss focuses on the % of fat lost.
To be eligible to win, competitors must use 2 Pureline products anytime during the duration of the 56 day challenge from February 26th – April 22nd.
*Please keep receipts for proof of purchase and for complete reimbursement when you win.
Weigh-In Weekend
Weigh-in weekend is kick-off for the Shift in 56 Challenge (February 23th, 24th, 25th 2024.) It is the time when most people will complete their initial consultation and do their official weigh-in. During this weekend only, exclusive 15% off discounts are available to our participants. You can still register up to March 11th but you won’t get the discounts available during “weigh-in weekend.” All official weigh-ins or weigh-outs can be done at a participating Pureline Nutrition Stores, or at any local nutrition store or gym or fitness facility that offers an Inbody analysis. To get “weighed-in” at any location other than a Pureline Store you will simply need to locate an Inbody Analysis Machine near you (they are pretty common to find at most nutrition stores or fitness centers) and request to weigh in on that machine. Some facilities charge for the scan but others do it for free, be sure to call before going. Request a hard copy or an email record of your scan so that you can upload it to online, Click Here to Upload. To get your 15% discount on Pureline products during “Weigh-In Weekend,” simply take a picture of your Inbody result sheet and upload it to: www.shiftin56.com anytime during the “Weigh In Weekend” period. You will be sent a one time use promo code for 15% off to be during the weigh-in weekend period.
The initial weigh-in/consultation should only take between 10-15 minutes on average.
If you are doing your analysis at a Pureline location, you will be offered a free consultation with a Pureline Nutrition specialist. During this time, you can discuss what you would like to accomplish in the 56 days, get guidance on your diet and nutrition, and talk about how to accelerate your results. This is also when you will complete your initial weigh-in. It is recommended to wear light-weight clothing. If you’re not weighing in at a Pureline location then you will need to get it done at a local nutrition store/gym/fitness facility that offers an Inbody analysis. If you’d like to schedule a free consultation with one of our Pureline Specialists, Email us at [email protected].
The Challenge kicks-off February 26th and finishes April 22nd. February 26th marks day 1 of the Challenge, but you are able to register and weigh-in up until March 11th. Regardless of whether you register after February 26th, the challenge finishes on April 22nd.
Weekly Weigh-In's
Your first weekly weigh-in should be March 4th or 7 days from the time that you commenced your weight loss journey. Weekly weigh-ins are not mandatory, but you do have to complete (2) weigh-ins throughout the duration of the Challenge in order to be eligible to win. Online participants will be required to submit before and after weigh-in/Inbody results with their final submission photos and essay/video to www.shiftin56.com.
Lots of reasons! It gives you a starting point, provides accountability and allows you to assess whether your weight loss program is working. This allows for you to make necessary changes and further accelerate your results.
No, but you do have to complete two weigh-ins throughout the course of the challenge to be eligible to win the prize. One initial weigh-in from February 26th – March 11th and one final weigh-out from April 15th – April 22nd. All weigh-ins between these two dates are completely optional but highly encouraged! Remember, online clients will need to submit their first and final Inbody analysis to www.shiftin56.com to complete a submission.
All official weigh-ins or weigh-outs can be done at a participating Pureline Nutrition Store, or at any local nutrition store/gym/fitness facility that offers an Inbody analysis. Be sure to call around as some facilities charge but there are others that may do it for free. Be sure to keep a copy of your Inbody result sheet or have it emailed to you so that it can be submitted to www.shiftin56.com at the end of the challenge.
The challenge focuses on the % of change in body fat lost, and muscle tissue gained over the 56 day period. This encourages a fair playing field for all regardless of starting point. Because people will enter the challenge with different body shapes, sizes, heights and weights, it’s important to level the playing field by using a combination of factors to assess each individual’s overall change in body composition and self-improvement. These factors include fat loss, lean tissue change, before and after pictures as well as your essay or video submission.
You can track your progress by getting regular Inbody Analysis’ which will monitor fat loss and muscle tissue percent changes. We would advise you to utilize the mirror at the same time every day (preferably first thing in the morning) as it will offer the best indication of your actual progress.
A weigh-out is your last recorded weight and/or body fat percentage measurement taken. If you are going to complete a weigh-out, it must be done on or before April 22nd.
To see how you did in the past 56 days! Also to finish your qualification to win the prizes being given out to the winners of the challenge!
Weight out weekend is April 19th – April 21st and it’s when most people will complete their final weigh-out and Inbody analysis. All official weigh-ins or weigh-outs can be done at a participating Pureline Nutrition Store, or at any local nutrition store/gym/fitness facility that offers an Inbody analysis.
You do not have to be present during Weigh-Out Weekend, April 19th – April 21st. However if you are going to complete a weigh-out it must be between April 15th – April 22nd. First and Final Inbody scans whether done in a participating Pureline Nutrition Store or any local nutrition store/gym/fitness facility that offers an Inbody analysis must be submitted by April 22nd, 2024 with all other items necessary to complete a final submission.
Just like all your weigh-ins, your weigh-out can be done at your participating Pureline Nutrition Store, or at any local nutrition store/gym/fitness facility that offers an Inbody analysis.
How to Compete For Prizes
To be eligible to win prizes you must submit 3 “before” photos (front, side and rear) and 3 “after” photos as well as a personal essay/video success story. This submission should be submitted along with digital pictures and your first and final Inbody Analysis Sheets to www.shiftin56.com and is due between April 8th – April 15th – April 22nd to be eligible to win prizes.
Please submit your 6 photos (3 “before” and 3 “after”) as well as your personal essay/video and your first and final Inbody Analysis to www.shiftin56.com anytime between April 15th – April 22nd by 9pm CST.
Submit your photos, essay/video and Inbody results anytime between April 15th – April 22nd by 9pm CST. No late entries will be accepted! This gives all individuals a week to complete. – No late entries will be accepted, no exceptions.
The personal essay/video is the story of your 56 day journey. It should detail your own personal development and transformation over the 56 day time period. The essay should be 800 words or less and the video should be no longer than 2-5 minutes and should be your story of accomplishment and self-improvement while highlighting the Pureline products used and how the Pureline Team may have helped you reach your best.
Before & After Photos
Three “before” photos and three “after” photos are required in order to be eligible for prizes. Even if you’re not competing for prizes, we highly recommend that all people take these photos as they are a great way to show your overall change and inspire you through the journey. These photos will not be judged but may be used later by Pureline Nutrition.
If you are competing for prizes, these photos need to be submitted (along with your personal essay and first and final Inbody results) to www.shiftin56.com anytime between April 15th – April 22nd by 9pm CST. Before photos should not be submitted until the end of the challenge.
See our website at www.shiftin56.com for details on how photos should be submitted.
Three poses of “before” photos (front view, side view and back view) as well as three poses of “after” photos should be taken. To help ensure these photos are within the 56 day challenge time period you should be wearing your colored wristband that you received when you registered for the challenge. Photos can be taken in athletic clothing. Women, it is not required for you to wear a bathing suit or sports bra (although you may at your discretion.) The idea is to show-case inches and pounds lost. Men you may take the pictures with or without a shirt while wearing athletic pants or shorts. Please see www.shiftin56.com for specific examples.
You can get an Inbody Analysis at any Pureline Nutrition Retail store location or any nutrition store, gym, fitness facility or other business that has an Inbody machine. Please get the physical copy of your first and final result sheets, take a clear picture of the sheet, or have them emailed to you so that you can submit them at the completion of your challenge.
Winners & Prizes
There are Four Winners (one overall male, one overall female, most inspirational, trainer category) and the overall male and overall female will receive 1,000.00 plus complete reimbursement of their entry fee and the cost of any Pureline supplements used during the Shift in 56 challenge. The most inspirational and most improved winners will each receive 500.00 plus complete reimbursement of their entry fee and the cost of Pureline supplements used during the 56 day period. Please be sure and keep your receipts or c/c statements for proof of purchases.
Four winners total! Two grand prize winners receive 1000.00 each! Two runner ups receive 500.00 each!
- Overall Male
- Overall Female
- Most Inspirational
- Trainer Category
Based on the judges sole discretion, it will be 80% physical transformation (positive change in body fat mass and lean muscle percentage will be taken into consideration), 20% based on positive changes and improvements in that person’s life based on personal essay or video submission.
A corporate committee reviews each entry and selects the three winners based on the judging criteria above.